May 22, 2021

Tomorrow will be an exciting day. As the First Foal Auction will reach its final. The past days we had a lot of viewers. And most of the foals and embryo's did already had an offer. But, its still possible to be the winner from one of the auction items. Registration is easy. And after your registration u need to confirm the link which is send to your email (somethimes it ends up in spam). After u've confirmed u are able to login with your username and password. Use them and go to the lot u did pick out. And press on the place a bid offer to make your bid. Also the bid u need to confirm. With 13 colts and 9 fillies there is something for everybody availble in this collection. And if u doubt or want to purchase something exclusive. Give it a chance on one of the rare extrordinary frozen embryo's. We are ready for the final. The foals are ready for the final. And the breeders are also ready to sell u their topproduct. From now on, its up to u!

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