Mar 4, 2021

Off course we're very statisfied that a lot of people did find their way already to our auction platform. From the start at 10 o clock buyers who placed and confirmed their registration took part at the auction. As its only the first day, we're looking forward to the finish which is planned sunday the 7th. 

For a fund raising promo we've partnerd up with the Hallundbaeck Stables. Their offer 3 original straws from their GP stallion Catoki Z in our collection. And the total amount including the auction fee will go to the horses and riders who are affected by the Rhino virus in Valencia. 

As an auction we would also like to take our responsibility. In cooperation with our sellers we agreed that every sold horse will only leave the stable with a negative Rhino certificate. This means that after a horse is sold, on behalf of the seller a nose swap will be taken and send over to the approved laboratorium. In 2/3 days they can hand over a negative Rhino certifcate. So u will be sure u're alloud to welcome your new crack with open arms!

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